National Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resource Center will host the webinar, Unique Approaches to Support Brain Health and Reduce Risk through Education, Exercise, Diet, and Art. A description of the webinar and registration information follows.
Helping people understand how to take care of their brains is an impactful way to reduce the risk of developing dementia long term. Dementia risk reduction activities show promise in improving brain health and reducing or delaying the onset of dementia. Modifiable risk factors – such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle and managing long term health conditions – play a role in promoting brain health and reducing dementia risk. In this webinar, the Administration for Community Living will provide an overview of the benefits of reducing risk and supporting brain health and will review the Brain Health & Aging resources that can be used to educate the public about brain health as we age. The resources include a PowerPoint presentation, a consumer-friendly educational handout, and pre and post-test surveys. Participants will also learn about the We Program based at GrownUps in Puerto Rico, which was created specifically for people at-risk of developing dementia. The program combines education, exercise, cooking workshops, arts, and horticulture into a fun and social opportunity for people to learn risk reduction techniques and take control of their brain health. You will learn more about how this program has successfully recruited participants, the impact it has had, and creative strategies for sustaining the program. Additional information about this webinar and the registration form can be found here: 05-22-2024 NADRC Webinar-Unique Approaches to Brain Health